Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
Bill Hoffman wrote:

You can not use FIND_* stuff because the files will not be there. There is a risk that cmake could change where the .o files are put. To mitigate that risk, I would recommend setting up everything with variables. You already have these ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}. That will give you the CMakeFiles directory, then each library is in LibName.dir and the obj files should be in there. It would be safest to write a macro that converts a source name into a .o name, that way if cmake changes, you can just change the macro.

How will I extract the type of build at configuration time? Currently I'm using code such as:

but CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE has no value when running CMakeSetup for VS71.
Use CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR.  For VS IDE projects the object files will be in:



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