On 3/13/07, Werner Smekal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,

Hi Wermer

> reading the bug report, the problem is:
> # MinGW needs an additional library, mwindows
> # It's total link flags should look like -lmingw32 -lSDLmain -lSDL
> -lmwindows
> # (Actually on second look, I think it only needs one of the m*
> libraries.)
> SET(MINGW32_LIBRARY mingw32 CACHE STRING "mwindows for MinGW")
> MSYS!=MINGW for CMake for good reasons. The best solution would be to
> use the MinGW compiler within normal Windows CLI, since it's so much
> faster than MSYS, you won't regret it.

Ok, so I just tested you proposal. What I did:

- launched CMake,
- selected MINGW,
- configured a few variables (QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE, SDLIMAGE_INCLUDE_DIR,
- generated the makefiles.

- click on start menu, and click on the launcher.
- launched "cmd" (I suppose that this is what you called Windows CLI)
- went to the directory
- launched "mingw32-make.exe"

And the error is the same as before. The "build.make" is the same as before
(I copied the linking part at the end of this mail).
Any idea?

I would like to check the value of the variables in the FindSDL.cmake (like
"MINGW"...) when I try to compile
my program. Is this possible?

Can the problem be relevant to the fact that I am using the MINGW version
coming with Qt ?

Another solution would be to
> change the lines above to
> SET(MINGW32_LIBRARY mingw32 CACHE STRING "mwindows for MinGW")
> and similar code in  FindSDL.cmake. This should work  than.

Currently, I suppose that the first issue is not related to that, as even
MINGW it does not work...

Any idea?

the build.make:

# External object files for target bloodybeard
bloodybeard_EXTERNAL_OBJECTS =

bloodybeard.exe: CMakeFiles/bloodybeard.dir/main.obj
bloodybeard.exe: CMakeFiles/bloodybeard.dir/qGameEngine.obj
bloodybeard.exe: CMakeFiles/bloodybeard.dir/moc_qGameEngine.obj
bloodybeard.exe: lib/SDL_image.lib
bloodybeard.exe: lib/libSDLmain.a
bloodybeard.exe: C:/Qt/4.2.1/lib/libQtCore4.a
bloodybeard.exe: CMakeFiles/bloodybeard.dir/build.make
@$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --red --bold
"Linking CXX executable bloodybeard.exe"
$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -P CMakeFiles\bloodybeard.dir\cmake_clean_target.cmake
C:\MinGW\bin\g++.exe       $(bloodybeard_OBJECTS)
$(bloodybeard_EXTERNAL_OBJECTS)  -o
-Le:\dev\bloodybeard\bloodybeard\trunk\src\lib -Lc:\Qt\4.2.1\lib -lSDL_image
-Wl,-Bstatic -lSDLmain -lQtCore4 -Wl,-Bdynamic -lWs2_32

Pierre-André Galmes
Free Software consultant
StarXpert - www.starxpert.fr
6, rue Eugène Varlin - 75010 Paris
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