On Dec 13, 2007 11:05 PM, Rodolfo Lima <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, is there a way to inform cmake that it should ignore the return code
> of the command specified with add_custom_command? I want the command to
> be successful, even if it returns something different than 0.
> For instance:
> add_custom_command(OUTPUT text.cpp COMMAND false)
> add_executable(test main.cpp text.cpp)
> I'm using on linux, using Makefiles, and it bails off because 'false' is
> returning 1. What if that's an expected behavior? Is there any way to
> circumvent this?

I think you will need to do a "COMMAND cmake -P myscript.cmake".
myscript.cmake should contain an EXECUTE_PROCESS that does what you
want, then interprets the return codes however you want.  Then you'd
message(SEND_ERROR ...) or message(FATAL_ERROR ...) to indicate an
abnormal result.  There were bugs regarding CMake script return codes
once upon a time; hope those were fixed.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

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