Rodolfo Lima wrote:
Brandon Van Every escreveu:

I think you will need to do a "COMMAND cmake -P myscript.cmake".
myscript.cmake should contain an EXECUTE_PROCESS that does what you
want, then interprets the return codes however you want.  Then you'd
message(SEND_ERROR ...) or message(FATAL_ERROR ...) to indicate an
abnormal result.  There were bugs regarding CMake script return codes
once upon a time; hope those were fixed.

Thanks Brandon. Unfortunately this solution is a little ugly. That's
something that could be easily implemented if cmake supported Lua. The
command could be a lua function properly defined.
Thanks anyway.

OK, I know I will regret this, but how would lua help here? Other than the myscript.cmake would be myscript.lua and the syntax would by slightly different, it would be the exact same thing. The issue is that cmake and whatever language it uses is not around at build time unless you call it. cmake creates makefiles/projects and it is no longer running. Now one solution to this would be to add a feature to the add_custom_command that ignores the result of the command you are running. Your example is a bit odd as well...

add_custom_command(OUTPUT text.cpp COMMAND false)
add_executable(test main.cpp text.cpp)

In this case text.cpp would not be created and the build would fail when text.cpp was compiled...

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