On Saturday 15 December 2007, Brandon Van Every wrote:
> On Dec 15, 2007 1:55 PM, Brandon Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Dec 15, 2007 12:41 PM, Bill Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > There are some vocal
> > > complainers about the language, but I suspect there is a silent
> > > majority that really don't care,
> >
> > CMake is a self-selecting community.  Those that really care, leave.
> > I'd like to know where they went, and what competing products they're
> > working on.
> I've subscribed to the SCons mailing list.  The SCons community has
> people who got fed up with it and started their own R&D.  It seems
> that the SCons Python 1.5 limitation is a serious one, as developers
> generally only know Python >= 2.2.  Waf is the offering of a fellow
> who clearly thinks OO is important in a build system for some reason.
> http://code.google.com/p/waf/

When KDE tried to switch to scons, many changes had to be made to scons, and 
this modified version is waf.

> A recent comment of his, regarding KDE's use of CMake:
> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.programming.tools.scons.user/15656/focus
>=15659 "* Cmake scripts are easily readable from IDEs (kdevelop); in reality
> parsing-writing Cmake scripts

Parsing/writing cmake scripts should not be done by IDEs, except for syntax 
highlighting and autocompletion. I don't see a problem there.

> Most importantly: would my prejudices cause me to use, or even
> develop, OO build tools that actually get real work done?  Whether
> coupled to an OO IDE or not.  The proof is in the pudding.  If there
> are OO build systems that are having any success, we should pay
> attention to why.  We should be wary of generational biases of what a
> build system "should" or "shouldn't" look like.  Do we really know
> better than everybody else?  Does our extensive engineering experience
> make us more efficient, productive, and competitive?  Or does it
> (also) make us blind to the technology around the corner?  I've seen
> new generations sweep old generations away.

With the property stuff cmake is already becoming more OO.

> As one young buck put it in that thread:
> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.programming.tools.scons.user/15656/focus
>=15659 "I dunno the particular situation, but for me using CMake sounds like
> they didn't make the step out of the last decade :-)"

Feel free to write an ant or whatever generator for cmake :-)


P.S. if you would take 50% of the time you use to post here to write patches 
for cmake instead, much of what you would like to have could already be 
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