On Dec 15, 2007 3:14 PM, Alexander Neundorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> With the property stuff cmake is already becoming more OO.

To the extent that it's true, I suppose a marketing pitch could be
made for CMake on that basis, to appease people who want OO.  Would
need a good way to display that kind of a marketing pitch.  That's an
infrastructural issue; the wiki is not currently a good vehicle for

> P.S. if you would take 50% of the time you use to post here to write patches
> for cmake instead, much of what you would like to have could already be
> implemented

Then you haven't been paying attention.  There's marketing value in
using standard languages.  No amount of improving CMake script will
ever make it noteworthy to anyone.

Also, you grossly exaggerate the effort of making posts.  It's nothing
compared to developing and maintaining significant new CMake

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

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