On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 1:25 AM, Werner Smekal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> >
>  >> Set the CC and CXX environment variables to cl, and install a GNU
>  >> make for
>  >> windows, best one is IMO the one you get here:
>  >> http://unxutils.sourceforge.net/
>  >
>  > Nice tip, thanks.  I've used msys a bit, but hadn't had occasion to
>  > try out unxutils.  I'll take a closer look at first chance.  For years
>  > I've gotten along quite nicely with cygwin.  Seems unxutils or msys
>  > would be great to have on a pen drive.
>  unxutils are very, very outdated, don't use them. A much better
>  alternative with a much more active community is available at
>  http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/
>  These utils work very well using the native CLI provided by MS and you
>  don't ever want to touch MSys again, which is unbelievable slow. Sure,
>  MSys has other advantages (bash, you can use configure), but if you
>  happen to write "ls", "cp", "mv" all the time in MS CLI then gnuwin32
>  is your choice. And they also ported other very useful tools like
>  grep, sed, etc.
>  Regards,
>  Werner

So, I have been following this thread with some interest. What I have
tried a few times but never really succeeded is using Eclipse CDT with
the MS compiler. It seems that CDT _really_ works best with a GNU Make
versus nmake or anything else. What I am gathering is I should
download the utils from http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/, have CMake
generate Unix Makefiles, then have Eclipse call the "gnu make" that I
downloaded from above?

Does that sound about right?

Mike Jackson
imikejackson _at_ gee-mail dot com
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