Hi Miguel,

Well, with this in mind, I did a bit of playing, and decided that the problem wasn't so much that FindwxWidgets.cmake needed to be changed, but instead, I was calling it incorrectly.

What I had to do was as follows:

SET (wxWidgets_USE_LIBS aui richtext adv html core xml base xrc qa net)
SET (wxWidgets_FIND_COMPONENTS true)

IF (wxWidgets_FOUND)
   INCLUDE (${wxWidgets_USE_FILE})
   #Project name is just the project being built
   TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${ProjectName} ${wxWidgets_LIBRARIES})
ENDIF (wxWidgets_FOUND)

Since, by default, FIND_COMPONENTS is false, it was using what you described as the windows mechanism. Which did work after I added those two components to the underlying cmakefiles, but what I really needed to do was set it up so your module would find them using the other logic.

So, I think I finally got it straightened out.


Hello Eric,

I'm glad to here this worked. Now, I would like to understand the
problem, so that I can fix the FindwxWidgets module. Can you post
exactly what chages did you make to the FindwxWidgets (a diff patch
would be fine)?

1. In windows, it makes sense to add the richtext lib, because it
relies on it to find all possible libraries. I suppose that you added
it to the following line:

    FOREACH(LIB core adv aui html media xrc dbgrid gl qa)

2. In linux/unix, I am returning what the `wx-config --libs <libs>`
returns. I believe that the problem you were having was due to a
parsing bug, which should be fixed in the latest version. However, the
above list wouldn't have helped. If the latest version still has the
bug, then let me know so that I can explore the issue further.

You can always find a latest version of the module for comparison at:


Thanks in advance for the report,

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