YOU are the one who compiled it in C:\Qt\4.5.1 according to your original post. I am simply making you aware of the error.

On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 8:31 PM, Sebastian
Schuberth<> wrote:

I'm trying to use CMake for a Windows application that links against Qt 4. I've installed Qt 4.5.1 from sources (unzipped to the standard location
C:\Qt\4.5.1) and compiled it myself.

So, if you compiled to C:\Qt\4.5.1 then you have a couple of options:

set QTDIR to C:\Qt\4.5.1 in the environment variables.


find_package(Qt4 PATHS "C:/Qt/4/.5.1") like Pau suggested.

If you don't like the version number on there then recompile Qt 4.5.1 so that it has a path of C:\Qt and NOT C:\Qt\4.5.1


Mike Jackson <>

On Aug 21, 2009, at 4:01 PM, Sebastian Schuberth wrote:

On 21.08.2009 21:14, Michael Jackson wrote:

set QTDIR to C:\Qt\4.5.1

Thanks, but that's out of the question, as I'd like to have it working independent of the actual Qt4 version.

Sebastian Schuberth

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