On 05.09.2009 18:49, Alexander Neundorf wrote:

But just for the fun of it, I also tried Pau's

find_package(Qt4 PATHS "C:/Qt/4.5.1")

If you use PATHS, cmake looks for a Qt4Config.cmake file, which does not
exist. So don't use PATHS or HINTS, just do:

find_package(Qt4)  (maybe add the REQUIRED keyword).

This will load FindQt4.cmake.
FindQt4.cmake then tries to find qmake.
This is where you can help.

Thanks a lot, Alex, that finally was a helpful answer!

FYI, in a batch file I'm now doing:


: Search QTDIR first, then some guessed paths.

: Generate the project files in the output directory.
pushd VS2008-Win32
cmake -G "Visual Studio 9 2008" ..
if errorlevel 1 pause


CMake would search QTDIR itself, but only *after* CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, which is 
why I made QTDIR the first path in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. This now seems to work 
how I would like it to work.

Thanks again.

Sebastian Schuberth

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