On 5/15/2010 2:04 PM, Alan W. Irwin wrote:

Now that we are in agreement there is an issue with NAMES order determining
the FIND_XXX result rather than whichever NAMES alternative is highest in
the SUPER_PATH, I have written up this issue as bug
http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=10718. I have also done some
additional experiments with variations on the CMakeLists.txt file there to
show that FIND_FILE, FIND_LIBRARY, and FIND_PATH all have the same issue as
FIND_PROGRAM. My knowledge of the CMake code base and my C++ skills are too
limited to discover where in the CMake codebase the inner and outer loops
for NAMES and SUPER_PATH components should be swapped for those commands,
but thanks for determining that location for the FIND_PROGRAM

The code is all here:


std::string cmFindProgramCommand::FindProgram(std::vector<std::string> names)

kwsys_stl::string SystemTools::FindProgram(
  const char* nameIn,
  const kwsys_stl::vector<kwsys_stl::string>& userPaths,
  bool no_system_path)

kwsys_stl::string SystemTools::FindProgram(
  const kwsys_stl::vector<kwsys_stl::string>& names,
  const kwsys_stl::vector<kwsys_stl::string>& path,
  bool noSystemPath)
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