Hi John,
This $2500 copay is only once a year.  Then I have met my deductable for the year and the all my meds are free for the rest of the year.  It's still a lot of money for me as I am retired and live on a small SS pension. My secondary insurance pays for my meds and I am on Medicare.  I didn't have to go into the Medicare plan because their plan was better than Medicares.  My husband worked for Crown Cork and Seal and even though he passed away, I am still covered by the plan.  It is a worthless plan as far as paying the 20% copay for doctors visits and etc as there is a $2000 deductable on medical; which is just a ploy to get out of paying the copay, however, I thank the Lord daily that they are paying most of my Gleevec bill. I am praying that this medicine will come down in price soon.
In a message dated 2/7/2006 7:19:14 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
WOW!  $2500 co-pay.  I am lucky I guess, my total copay is 62.50 for a
90 day supply.  Although when I talked to a insurance rep the other day
about the problem of the Gleevec not being shipped (With no reason
explained, I am giving them a 21 day notice and have no problem signing
if they would just tell me that what is going on. ), he did mention
that the cost had gone up again.  So that statement and the fact that
the company insurance is renewed on April 1st,  I kind of expect that
my out of pocket cost will be going up.  In my case I am paying nearly
$4000.00 a year just to have the right to pay only 62.5 for 90 days

I think my problem is the pharmacy my insurance contracts with.  I had
another medicine, order the same day as the gleevec, that required a
new script from the doctor.  I got a computer message on my cell phone
that said they could not get the doctor to refill the order.  When I
called the doctor, they stated they had a copy of the fax they sendt
back on the 1-26-06 approving the order.  Something got messed up here.


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