Dear Germaine,

  As Trey has pointed out, what is the evidence of the second
chromosomal abnormality?  Is it that the 2 cells out of 20 cells that
showed abnormality is not showing the Ph chromosome abnormality but
another chromosomal abnormality?  That would explain the difference
between FISH and cytogenetics results.  FISH is only looking for Ph
chromosome, if it is not there in the cells tested, you will be
negative.  Cytogenetics looks at ALL chromosomes, so if there is a
second chromosomal abnormality, this test is the only test that will
pick it up.  Does your cytogenetics report still say t(9;22), the Ph
translocation?  Please get a copy of the report and see.  The 2 cells
may not have the Ph chromosome, some other chromosomal abnormality.

  What Trey says is very true, Sprycel is working well for you.  Your
FISH is negative (was it from the blood or marrow, blood FISH is not
very reliable according to most docs) and your cytogenetics is at 10%.
I have been in contact with quite a few Sprycel patients and they have
had other chromosomal abnormalities with/without the phillies and these
have disappeared over time for most on Sprycel.  Please do get a copy
of the report and let us know, the report should tell you what
chromosomal abnormality you have and what is the percentage, whether
this second abnormality is occurring with the Ph chromosome or not.

  I know two patients who had 9/10 transplants, neither survived, both
had severe GVHD that became fatal.  It is always best to have a 10/10
MUD match if you choose to do transplant.

Let us know what it says on your cytogenetics report.  I definitely
think you should take, not one but maybe two or three medical opinions
from top major CML centers before going for a BMT.

Best Wishes,
caregiver to Roy

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