I was diagnosed with CML earlier this year and have had a good blood
response to Glivec.  I am generally not into Western Medicine.

My dr told me the other day if I had a 0% reading on my PCR then I
would have 100% chance of living 5 years and I was cured.  The
definition of cured being I would continue on Glivec.  Well like many
others I am grateful for Glivec but not sure what quality of life it is
with the side effects.

So my questions are:

1.  Has anybody decided to go off Glivec after dramatically changing
their diet?
2.  What supplements are we allowed to take and what are we not.  My dr
seems to roll his eyes when I mention supplements.
3.  What generally happens if you go off Glivec?  Does it all come
flooding back.
4.  If you go off Glivec for a short period does this create resistance
to the drug.
5.  Has anybody cured themselves by alternative therapies?

I am not sure if there are many folks that are on this board that are
just alternative health folks?  Are there alternative health folks that
have come to the decision that the only way to go is Glivec.  Anybody
cured themselves naturally by dramatically changing their life.

Anybody figured out if there is a link between leukemia and candida.

Oh so many questions.

I believe in quality of life not quantity so hence my thought process.


Not so rusty blood

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