Please see my responses in-line.

> My dr told me the other day if I had a 0% reading on my PCR then I
> would have 100% chance of living 5 years and I was cured.  The
> definition of cured being I would continue on Glivec.  Well like many
> others I am grateful for Glivec but not sure what quality of life it is
> with the side effects.

Rusty, most people have an extremely good quality of life on Gleevec,
and most people on Gleevec or one of the newer drugs are expected to
live a normal life span, not just 5 years.  The first few months on
Gleevec, you may experience any of several side effects from
time-to-time.  These include nausea, diarrhea, pain in the legs or
feet, fatigue, weight gain, etc.  A great deal has been written on this
subject, and I encourage you to read as much as you can about it.  Most
of the side efects can be mitigated.  For example, Immodium usually
takes care of the diarrhea, and drinking tonic helps with the leg/foot
pain.  After a few months, many of the side effects will disappear,
and/or you will have learned how to manage them.  Sometimes,
homeopathic remedies work. For example, I get foot cramps at night; at
bedtime, I take a couple of tablets of a homeopathic remedy called "Leg
Cramps" which works quite well.

> 1.  Has anybody decided to go off Glivec after dramatically changing
> their diet?

It would be well for you to learn about the root cause of CML and how
Gleevec and the other targeted therapies work to control it.  At the
present time, I do not believe that there is any evidentiary
correlation between diet and CML, either scientific or anecdotal.
There are experts on this forum who can be more definitive on this
issue than I am.

> 2.  What supplements are we allowed to take and what are we not.  My dr
> seems to roll his eyes when I mention supplements.

I don't know of any supplements that interefere with the Gleevec
healing process.  MDs know very little about most supplements because
the companies that make them are not often interested in spending the
money to scientifically test their efficacy.  Most supplements are
harmless, so it probably won't hurt to try them.  I can only suggest
that you do as much research as possible.

> 3.  What generally happens if you go off Glivec?  Does it all come
> flooding back.

The evidence is that Gleevec will not eradicate the biochemical
mechanism that causes CML.  It merely keeps it under control.  If you
stop taking it, chances are that it will return.

> 4.  If you go off Glivec for a short period does this create resistance
> to the drug.

No, but you are taking a risk.  I wouldn't suggest trying it until your
PCR test shows no evidence of the disease.  Then, if you stop, I'd get
a blood test done every month, and would resume taking Gleevec at the
first sign of the Philidelphia chromosome.  Conventional medical wisdom
is "don't stop unless you can't live with the side effects."

> 5.  Has anybody cured themselves by alternative therapies?

I don't know of anyone who "cured himself."  The only known cure is a
bone marrow transplant, and even there, success is not guaranteed.
Many BMT recipients appear to be cured only to have the disease
> I am not sure if there are many folks that are on this board that are
> just alternative health folks?  Are there alternative health folks that
> have come to the decision that the only way to go is Glivec.  Anybody
> cured themselves naturally by dramatically changing their life.

I suspect that the majority of individuals who have tried curing CML by
alternative treatment methods have passed away and are therefore not
able to write about their experiences.

Now I have a question for you.  One of Gleevec's common side effects is
water retention.  My doctors refuse to prescribe a diuretic.  I've been
looking toward homeopathic/herbal remedies like dandelion root, but
haven't found one that works.  Do you have any recommendations?

Mike Burwen

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