Hi all,
My mom and dad had no cancer at all.
My grandfather smoked a pipe, and died of cancer of the lip. They said it  
started on the lip and spread.
My grandmother was never sick, and lived to her 80's. She sniffed snuff,  but 
it must have never hurt her.
So not much cancer in my family; some skin cancer that I know of.
Back when I was a kid, they sprayed a lot for mesquitoes.  Didn't seem  to 
mind if you were around and breathing it. I've also used a lot of bleach in  my 
time for cleaning. When I was dx, I had been giving blood and having xrays  
done on my teeth; so go figure.
Who knows what causes CML?
I also was under stress from my hubby's death.  I think stress is a  
bigggggggggg factor.
Blessings to all,
In a message dated 7/28/2008 2:15:27 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  

There  was no history of cancer, either, in my family until my  parent's
generation. My mother's 2 brothers have had colon cancer and  my
father's sister had lung cancer and my father succumbed to  pancreatic
cancer. I was dx with CML at the end stages of my father's  pancreatic
Ca. Discussing this with an acquaintance, she informed me that  her ex-
husband's brother died of pancreatic Ca and her ex-husband then  was
dx'd with leukemia (not sure which one) which he died from  several
years later. Made me wonder if there was any connection between  the
pancreatic Ca and leukemia - onc says no. I would have to admit it  was
probably the damn cigarettes that caused my CML (all of my  relatives
that contracted cancer smoked - one uncle smoked a pipe and  chewed
tobacco). The lung cancer isn't what did my aunt in - it was  a
multitude of other problems - they found the lung Ca by accident  (she
had quit smoking several years prior to her death). My father  quit
smoking at least 6 months before he got the pancreatic Ca - and  once
diagnosed and told he was terminal - he resumed smoking (a lot  of
cancer patient's will do this as it is the only thing they  have
"control" over). One uncle never quit smoking and he beat the  colon
cancer (and....he has a weird blood dyscrasia that is  severely
impacting his health). The other uncle who smoked a pipe ended up  with
lung metastases several years after the colon cancer was "cured."  He
has since beat the lung Ca and is still smoking his pipe. He is  also
87 years old and has more energy than I do. I am ashamed of the  fact
that I still smoke and have a hard time with facing the fact  I
"caused" my cancer due to my addiction to cigarettes. But, then,  I
also have to realize there are many people with cancer who have  never
smoked nor have been exposed to second-hand smoke.

My 2  cents,


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