Hi Jeannie:

In the  beginning I blamed it on stress. I was working as a supervisor
under the gun on a daily basis (medical transcription - these reports
have a timeline that HAS to be met). The phone never stopped - I was
constantly trying to appease clients, my team, the owner, my coworkers
in management, every day I was ready to rip my hair out. On top of all
that - I was working out of my parent's home and helping care for my
father who was dying. My husband was living at home 2 hours away and I
only saw him on weekends. I watched my father suffer horribly in the
last days while I worked at least 10 hours a day. I would get calls at
all hours of the night if one of my employees was experiencing
problems on their shift, which I would have to fix. Stress? No wonder
I had a meltdown when I was diagnosed. It was the last freaking straw.
My diet was absolutely horrible as I would grab anything out of a
package that I did not have to prepare and would give me instant
energy (junk). Go, go, go - no time, no time. I drank tons of coffee
and Coke - caffeine was the only think that kept me going. Then I
would collapse on an air mattress in my parent's dining room for a few
hours sleep. It didn't seem so bad at the time - I just did it. Now,
my favorite word is "Freedom." I will always  be there for my family
but I will NEVER be enslaved by an employer again. I haven't worked
since February. My husband doesn't want me to go  back to work. Our
financial situation is a total mess,  but at least I feel "alive." You
are right. Stress kills.

On Jul 29, 4:34 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi all,
> My mom and dad had no cancer at all.
> My grandfather smoked a pipe, and died of cancer of the lip. They said it  
> started on the lip and spread.
> My grandmother was never sick, and lived to her 80's. She sniffed snuff,  but
> it must have never hurt her.
> So not much cancer in my family; some skin cancer that I know of.
> Back when I was a kid, they sprayed a lot for mesquitoes.  Didn't seem  to
> mind if you were around and breathing it. I've also used a lot of bleach in  
> my
> time for cleaning. When I was dx, I had been giving blood and having xrays  
> done on my teeth; so go figure.
> Who knows what causes CML?
> I also was under stress from my hubby's death.  I think stress is a  
> bigggggggggg factor.
> Blessings to all,
> Jeanie<3
> In a message dated 7/28/2008 2:15:27 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
> There  was no history of cancer, either, in my family until my  parent's
> generation. My mother's 2 brothers have had colon cancer and  my
> father's sister had lung cancer and my father succumbed to  pancreatic
> cancer. I was dx with CML at the end stages of my father's  pancreatic
> Ca. Discussing this with an acquaintance, she informed me that  her ex-
> husband's brother died of pancreatic Ca and her ex-husband then  was
> dx'd with leukemia (not sure which one) which he died from  several
> years later. Made me wonder if there was any connection between  the
> pancreatic Ca and leukemia - onc says no. I would have to admit it  was
> probably the damn cigarettes that caused my CML (all of my  relatives
> that contracted cancer smoked - one uncle smoked a pipe and  chewed
> tobacco). The lung cancer isn't what did my aunt in - it was  a
> multitude of other problems - they found the lung Ca by accident  (she
> had quit smoking several years prior to her death). My father  quit
> smoking at least 6 months before he got the pancreatic Ca - and  once
> diagnosed and told he was terminal - he resumed smoking (a lot  of
> cancer patient's will do this as it is the only thing they  have
> "control" over). One uncle never quit smoking and he beat the  colon
> cancer (and....he has a weird blood dyscrasia that is  severely
> impacting his health). The other uncle who smoked a pipe ended up  with
> lung metastases several years after the colon cancer was "cured."  He
> has since beat the lung Ca and is still smoking his pipe. He is  also
> 87 years old and has more energy than I do. I am ashamed of the  fact
> that I still smoke and have a hard time with facing the fact  I
> "caused" my cancer due to my addiction to cigarettes. But, then,  I
> also have to realize there are many people with cancer who have  never
> smoked nor have been exposed to second-hand smoke.
> My 2  cents,
> Kelly
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