Hi Jeanie,
Thanks for writing.  I love your e-mail address, I am a Christian  also.  The 
onc did not try a lower dosage as since having brain bleeds is  so serious, 
he didn't want to risk it, and at the time I chose not to risk  it.  He wanted 
me to go on sprycel but I refused.  Now after I test  again and see my numbers 
I will decide after almost two years if I want to risk  it again.  Don't 
really have much choice if the numbers are rising.   Tasigna sounds really 
dangerous for me with my background, as I have high  cholesterol and I was 
warned by 
my doc that it causes fluid around the heart in  most patients.  My doctor 
treats 200 patients a week who all have  CML.  He is at Moffitt Cancer Center 
Tampa.  I figure he knows what  he is doing, but I chose to disobey him until 
Thanks again for writing.  This sign-up has been really helpful but  
distressing about so few options with my particular problem.

Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved  children and live a life of 
love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up  for us as a fragrant 
offering and sacrifice to God. --Ephesians 5:1-2  

In a message dated 3/14/2009 10:30:05 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
icandoall...@aol.com writes:

In a message dated 3/13/2009 1:56:26 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
Hi Susan,
I pray they will find something that will work for  you.
I have found that the nilotinib (Tasigna) has been the best  for me so far.
Did you onc try a lower dose of Tasigna?
rszim0...@aol.com writes:

I  just found this site.  Have had cml since feb 14, 2005,  (great
Valentine's Day present) and have been off all meds since March  2007
because of a brain bleed.  I tried nilotinib and one dose gave  me an
eye bleed so can't take that either.  Dasatinib will probably  do the
same thing, so I am not taking anything.  At this point my  counts have
been stable in cellular, but not in molecular  remission.  What do  you

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