I've been reading along here. 
I, too, have the philadephia chromosome which is synonymous with having chronic myeloid leukemia, so I thought.  Hence the gleevac.    My last bcr-abl was 0.00008.   They suspect the next one a month later will return as negative.    Halleluiah !   Diagnosed September 2008.   I suspect it is due to total body radiation received the preceding November 2007 preceding a bone marrow transplant (study)  prior to receiving the kidney my brother donated to me.  The radiation made room in my bone marrow for his bone marrow.   My strong immune system killed his marrow.   The purpose of the study was that my immune sytem would see his cells as "My cells" and that my immune system would not attack the kidney.    My body obviously detected his bone marrow as being an invader, but the Prograf has successfully maintained the kidney.   Halleluiah again !
-------------- Original message from "Nadia" <nadia...@earthlink.net>: --------------

yes!!! ME.   Ph+ Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. If I can help, just ask. I am Nadia
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2009 7:25 PM
Subject: [CMLHope] Philadelphia chromosome negative chronic myelogenous leukemia ...

I have a friend that got this kind of CML, Does someone else in this group got the same?
A support group of http://cmlhope.com

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