Oh wow!  My daughter has PAH and it is a very scary diagnosis.  She
has PAH secondary to a congenital heart defect.  She also has sleep
apnea, which has exaccerbated her pulmonary artery pressures.   May I
ask what your pulmonary artery pressures are?  My daughter's pulmonary
artery pressure is double what it should be and has been double for 6
years.  There is likely no reversing it, unless a cure is found, but
in 6 years, it has not gotten any worse and she has no external
symptoms.  Due to her other health issues, there's no way she'd ever
qualify for a heart and lung transplant either, but so far, God has
really kept her safe despite these very elevated pressures.

Praying for you and for them to find a good treatment plan for you
with the PAH.  And, I am ALWAYS praying for a cure for PAH!!!

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