Great Article Lottie,
and the things it tells you to avoid are exactly what has been told to me, at 
least once or twice 
a month.  My blood reports tell me I have Leukopenia, Neutropenia, and 
If anyone  has any of these in their report they should look out for your ANC 
(Absolute Neutrophil Fill count.)
Talk to your doctor if your below 1000, which is low be extra carful if below 
500, normal is around 2000 10 9/L (that should be an upper case little nine)


> From: Lottie Duthu <>
>To: CML <> 
>Sent: Friday, August 31, 2012 2:54:45 AM
>Subject: [cml 2] Fw: Neutropenia - How To Avoid Infections
>Neutropenia: A Vulnerable Time for Infections
>What Is Neutropenia? 
>There are many types of white blood cells, each with specific roles, but their 
>main job is to fight infection. Neutropenia is a condition in which a person 
>has very low amounts of a type of white blood cell called a neutrophil in 
>their body. Since white blood cells attack harmful bacteria, viruses, and 
>fungi, neutropenia increases the risk of infections.
>How to Protect Yourself if You Are Neutropenic
>Good personal hygiene and avoiding things that promote the growth of bacteria 
>lower the risk of infection. The following suggestions are for people with 
>neutropenia who are outside the hospital:
>a.. Avoid people with signs of infection and avoid large crowds. Wear a face 
>mask if you cannot avoid crowds.
>b.. Avoid people who are sick with communicable (contagious) diseases, 
>including a cold, the flu, measles, or chicken pox.
>c.. Stay away from children who have recently been given "live virus" vaccines 
>such as chicken pox and oral polio, as they may be contagious to people with 
>very low blood cell counts.
>d.. Bathe daily and wash your hands frequently, especially after using the 
>bathroom, after touching animals, and before eating.
>e.. Use lotion or oil if your skin becomes dry.
>f.. Clean your rectal area gently but thoroughly after each bowel movement. 
>Let your doctor know if the area becomes irritated or if you develop 
>g.. Brush your teeth after meals with a soft toothbrush. Rinse your mouth 
>twice daily with a solution made of water and either salt or baking soda. 
>Temporarily avoid flossing, which can open new wounds and create an entry for 
>h.. Avoid accidents and injuries. Be careful not to cut yourself in any way, 
>including the cuticles of your nails. Use an electric shaver instead of a 
>razor to avoid cutting yourself while shaving.
>i.. Do not squeeze or scratch pimples.
>j.. Clean any cuts and scrapes with soapy warm water right away and apply an 
>k.. Avoid gardening, cleaning bird cages, cleaning fish tanks, or changing cat 
>litter, all of which can expose you to bacteria.
>m.. FYI, 
>n.. Lottie Duthu 
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