Thanks for sharing.  I also use a simuluar version.  I susually put it in 
when I post my results.

Richard H.

dxd 2/2003 

400mg Gleevec 3/2003

Undetectable 11/03

RT-PCR negative 11/04

QT-PCR .003 11/05

RBC 8.

Gleevec Vacation 11/06-6/07 

Iron infusion 11/06

Transfusions 12/06-5/07

QT-PCR .7 1/08

Gleevec 1/08 -5/08

Procrit 8/08-11/08 

Gleevec Vacation 7/08-Pressent

QT-PCR .3 4/09

QT-PCR .15 6/09

QT-PCR .21 9/09

QT-PCR .28 1/10

QT-PCR .1+ 4/10

QT-PCR .468 10/10

QT-PCR .468 2/22/11

QT-PCR .323 8/23/011

QT-PCR .261 2/14/2012

QT-PCR .241 8/12/12

Next QT-PCR 4/13

On Wednesday, September 5, 2012 10:22:07 AM UTC-5, TEDBDD wrote:

>  Richard...nice work, I do the same thing with my blood work.  I also 
> keep a shorthand version of my journey that I share with my Doc's which 
> they say helps...particularly if you change Doc's or have to be treated in 
> a new facility.  I have shared it before...but here it is.  I believe Zavie 
> Miller, one of the original CMLers who has recently passed away, set up the 
> format.  It is always helpful to see how others have made it to the 
> copy format and used it to share your journey as well if it 
> suits you.   Here it is:
> Tom Dunham, BD: 8/1941 Updated:6-13--12
> DX CML 12-23-2008
> MDA Protocol: Tasigna-400mg; 2xday-1/09
> On Flecainide for AF...still had frequent episodes
> Q PCR bone@ 0.17 on 7/09
> Acute Pancreatitis-7/5/09
> Stopped Tasigna-7/13/09
> Q PCRU blood-7-29-09 !
> Started Gleevec-400mg/day-7/31/09
> Developed rash ~ 8/19/09
> Rash treated with Steroids..improvement
> Rash worsens~9/22/09
> Stopped Gleevec-9/28/09
> Restarted Gleevec @300mg/day-10/8/09
> Stopped Gleevec-10/13/09-toxic rash\
> AF returned infrequently
> Q PCR bone-0.05
> Started Sprycel @ 100mg/day-10/20/09
> Some AF...increased FLecainde..1, 2x/day
> Q PCR bone..0.07
> Stopped Alcohol…no AF, ½ Flecainide 2x/day
> Q PCR Blood…Non Detectible-12-13-10
> Q PCR Bone..0.01--2-25-11
> Q PCR Blood…Undetectible-5-19-11
> Reduced Flecainide to 1/2 per day
> Pleural and pericardial Effusion: stopped Sprycel-12-6-'11
> Prednisone 50mg /day to combat PE; 12/14/'11 gradual reduction
> Pleural Effusion clear 12-21-11
> Started Sprycel 70mg/day..12-23-11
> QPR bone <0.01...2-16-12
> Started Sprycel 50mg/day..3-10-12
> Chest pains...slightly more PL Eff 4-19-12
> Steroid Dose pack to alleaviate..still on 50mgs
> Change to 20 mgs/day Sprycel..4-26-12
> Chest clear, effusion gone-5-14-12
> Q-PCR Blood-Undetectible-6-13-12
> Neuropathy moving up legs, weakness noted ~7-12
> Q-PCR Blood MDA-<0.01…8-21-12
>  In a message dated 9/5/2012 12:06:27 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
> <javascript:> writes:
> My ONC carefully went over my first CBC and instructed me on which 
> readings he considered the most important.  When the PCR's started he did 
> the same thing.  He told me to never leave his office without a copy for my 
> records.  At about the 3 year anniversary he made a comment about having to 
> dig through my record to make the comparisons so the next time I took him a 
> copy of my excel worksheet from the begtinning and ask him if he wanted a 
> copy of my workbook so he could modify it for other patients but he 
> declined.  He was properly shocked and pleased that I tried to keep an easy 
> review of my records.
> Richard H.  
> On Tuesday, September 4, 2012 4:19:29 PM UTC-5, Jeanie wrote:
>>  Thanks Skip, My onc doesn't ever talk about my blood counts with me.  I 
>> have to ask him for a printout.  I just don't understand him at all.  I do 
>> keep track of all that as they sure don't seem to. Hang in there.
>> Jeanie<3
>>  In a message dated 9/1/2012 9:20:20 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
>> writes:
>>  Great Article Lottie,
>> and the things it tells you to avoid are exactly what has been told to 
>> me, at least once or twice 
>> a month.  My blood reports tell me I have Leukopenia, Neutropenia, and 
>> Thrombocytopenia.
>> If anyone  has any of these in their report they should look out for your 
>> ANC (Absolute Neutrophil Fill count.)
>> Talk to your doctor if your below 1000, which is low be extra carful if 
>> below 500, normal is around 2000 10 9/L (that should be an upper case 
>> little nine)
>> skipd
>>   *:* [cml 2] Fw: Neutropenia - How To Avoid Infections
>> Neutropenia: A Vulnerable Time for Infections
>> What Is Neutropenia? 
>> There are many types of white blood cells, each with specific roles, but 
>> their main job is to fight infection. Neutropenia is a condition in which a 
>> person has very low amounts of a type of white blood cell called a 
>> neutrophil in their body. Since white blood cells attack harmful bacteria, 
>> viruses, and fungi, neutropenia increases the risk of infections.
>> How to Protect Yourself if You Are Neutropenic
>> Good personal hygiene and avoiding things that promote the growth of 
>> bacteria lower the risk of infection. The following suggestions are for 
>> people with neutropenia who are outside the hospital:
>> a.. Avoid people with signs of infection and avoid large crowds. Wear a 
>> face mask if you cannot avoid crowds.
>> b.. Avoid people who are sick with communicable (contagious) diseases, 
>> including a cold, the flu, measles, or chicken pox.
>> c.. Stay away from children who have recently been given "live virus" 
>> vaccines such as chicken pox and oral polio, as they may be contagious to 
>> people with very low blood cell counts.
>> d.. Bathe daily and wash your hands frequently, especially after using 
>> the bathroom, after touching animals, and before eating.
>> e.. Use lotion or oil if your skin becomes dry.
>> f.. Clean your rectal area gently but thoroughly after each bowel 
>> movement. Let your doctor know if the area becomes irritated or if you 
>> develop hemorrhoids.
>> g.. Brush your teeth after meals with a soft toothbrush. Rinse your mouth 
>> twice daily with a solution made of water and either salt or baking soda. 
>> Temporarily avoid flossing, which can open new wounds and create an entry 
>> for bacteria.
>> h.. Avoid accidents and injuries. Be careful not to cut yourself in any 
>> way, including the cuticles of your nails. Use an electric shaver instead 
>> of a razor to avoid cutting yourself while shaving.
>> i.. Do not squeeze or scratch pimples.
>> j.. Clean any cuts and scrapes with soapy warm water right away and apply 
>> an antiseptic.
>> k.. Avoid gardening, cleaning bird cages, cleaning fish tanks, or 
>> changing cat litter, all of which can expose you to bacteria.
>> l.. 
>> m.. FYI, 
>> n.. Lottie Duthu 
>> o.. 
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