Hi Skip, you sure do have a lot of complicated problems but the one thing
that really counts is that your still alive to have these problems. I mean
just look at yourself being a survivor with CML for over 35 years. That is
what really counts. I admire you for all of what you have gone through and
are still going through

You truly have 18's


On Sat, Sep 1, 2012 at 9:20 AM, Skip Duffie <skipd_2...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Great Article Lottie,
> and the things it tells you to avoid are exactly what has been told to me,
> at least once or twice
> a month.  My blood reports tell me I have Leukopenia, Neutropenia, and
> Thrombocytopenia.
> If anyone  has any of these in their report they should look out for your
> ANC (Absolute Neutrophil Fill count.)
> Talk to your doctor if your below 1000, which is low be extra carful if
> below 500, normal is around 2000 10 9/L (that should be an upper case
> little nine)
> skipd
>    *From:* Lottie Duthu <lotti...@att.net>
> *To:* CML <c...@yahoogroups.com>
> *Sent:* Friday, August 31, 2012 2:54:45 AM
> *Subject:* [cml 2] Fw: Neutropenia - How To Avoid Infections
> Neutropenia: A Vulnerable Time for Infections
> What Is Neutropenia?
> There are many types of white blood cells, each with specific roles, but
> their main job is to fight infection. Neutropenia is a condition in which a
> person has very low amounts of a type of white blood cell called a
> neutrophil in their body. Since white blood cells attack harmful bacteria,
> viruses, and fungi, neutropenia increases the risk of infections.
> How to Protect Yourself if You Are Neutropenic
> Good personal hygiene and avoiding things that promote the growth of
> bacteria lower the risk of infection. The following suggestions are for
> people with neutropenia who are outside the hospital:
> a.. Avoid people with signs of infection and avoid large crowds. Wear a
> face mask if you cannot avoid crowds.
> b.. Avoid people who are sick with communicable (contagious) diseases,
> including a cold, the flu, measles, or chicken pox.
> c.. Stay away from children who have recently been given "live virus"
> vaccines such as chicken pox and oral polio, as they may be contagious to
> people with very low blood cell counts.
> d.. Bathe daily and wash your hands frequently, especially after using the
> bathroom, after touching animals, and before eating.
> e.. Use lotion or oil if your skin becomes dry.
> f.. Clean your rectal area gently but thoroughly after each bowel
> movement. Let your doctor know if the area becomes irritated or if you
> develop hemorrhoids.
> g.. Brush your teeth after meals with a soft toothbrush. Rinse your mouth
> twice daily with a solution made of water and either salt or baking soda.
> Temporarily avoid flossing, which can open new wounds and create an entry
> for bacteria.
> h.. Avoid accidents and injuries. Be careful not to cut yourself in any
> way, including the cuticles of your nails. Use an electric shaver instead
> of a razor to avoid cutting yourself while shaving.
> i.. Do not squeeze or scratch pimples.
> j.. Clean any cuts and scrapes with soapy warm water right away and apply
> an antiseptic.
> k.. Avoid gardening, cleaning bird cages, cleaning fish tanks, or changing
> cat litter, all of which can expose you to bacteria.
> http://inhealth.about.com/when-cancer-care-leads-to-neutropenia/neutropenia-a-vulnerable-time-for-infections?did=t5_rss39
> l..
> m.. FYI,
> n.. Lottie Duthu
> o..
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