> We can't take plastic pipes for granted at installations now, 
> so I am forced to do plumbing with both hands on my back. I 
> hate to waste my time like that. If there were serious 
> concerns w.r.t. compatibility and testing, z/VM could provide 
> a dual setup and have some service machines run old pipes. 
> Those things have been done for years in IGS already.
> Sir Rob the Plumber

That is one argument for making plastic pipe the official distributed
version. When a problem is reported to IBM, there would be no doubt as
to whether the version of pipes is official. (Is your WinXP authentic or

It is precisely the rogue nature of plastic pipes (no offense intended,
Mr. Hartmann) that has kept many VM shops from installing it. What if,
for example, Marist were to pull the plug (don't laugh, the plug was
pulled once before) on the runtime library and nobody else stepped
forward to fill the gap? I cannot, in good conscience, recommend
building anything critical using software that is not officially
supported to my management. I also cannot look at everything being
written in the shop to determine if it is critical and, if so, if it
uses the outdated, but officially supported version of pipelines. Nor
can I support the idea of creating a new committee to do the oversight.

The justification is, and always has been, that the new version contains
a slew of features that can make programming easier and more versatile
for the entire user base. That is the same for any programming language.
Features are added because someone needed them. Once built, others can
profit from them. Do you want people to justify each new feature that is
included in plastic pipes?

As far as I am concerned, the ball was dropped when a wall was built
between the two versions of Pipelines. This is reminiscent of the way
the ball was dropped on the C family of programming languages on VM. The
TPF community had built workable solutions to the problems of source and
version control on VM. Along comes the C language in TPF and suddenly,
we could no longer do TPF development entirely on VM because TPF used
features that were not available in the obsolete version of C on VM.
Faced with the inevitable, shops moved, at great expense to themselves,
to doing all of their compiles and load building to MVS. At a SHARE in
San Francisco, an IBM V.P. asked me what it would take to get us (USAir,
at the time) to move back to VM. "Would having a current C Compiler be
sufficient?, I was asked. I had to bite my tongue to keep the expletives
out of my answer. I said, in essence, the we had already spent $2
million to develop a non-VM replacement and were not about to spend
another dime moving back to the platform we had just been forced to
abandon. I said that if they implemenmted it immediately, during that
SHARE, that they would be about four years late.

Come to think of it, being forced to move to MVS to get a current C
compiler was responsible, in part, for the bad times and eventual
bankruptcy of the airline. :-) 

Richard Schuh 


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