Was not expecting variations, thank you for the heads up!  Will get that fixed!

> Call CSL "DMSCALLR cslrc caller i"

I admit to being curious, how does CSL update the variables CSLRC and CALLER 
(in Alan's example) in the calling program?

--Shawn S.

-----Original Message-----
From: CMSTSO Pipelines Discussion List [mailto:CMS-PIPELINES@VM.MARIST.EDU] On 
Behalf Of Alan Altmark
Sent: Friday, July 08, 2016 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: [CMS-PIPELINES] Converged custom profiles for 'CMS Productivity 

On Friday, 07/08/2016 at 04:28 GMT, "Stanislawski, Shawn (National VM 
Capability)" <shaw...@hpe.com> wrote:

> Looking into Bruce Hayden's suggestion of DMSCALLR CSL routine was 
> spot
> New and much better solution:
> "d
> /* Who called me? */
> Farback = 4
> CALL CSL 'DMSCALLR' Retcode1 CallerN Farback 
> W2 1 | VAR CallerN'
> "
> When command FILEL then CallerN = FILELIST

Almost.  :-)  DMSCALLR sat on my A-disk long before I got my colleagues to 
integrate it into CMS years ago, and I suggest using a loop to insulate your 
program against variations that show up in the calling sequence. 

/* Find name of inner-most recognizable EXEC */ do i = 2 by 1 until cslrc <> 0 
   Call CSL "DMSCALLR cslrc caller i"
   parse var caller what +8 which . 
   if what = "EXEC" & right(which,4) = "LIST" then leave
   which = "*UNKNOWN*"
say "CALLED BY" which

This programming idiom not only avoids issues with compiled v. interpreted 
EXECs and changes in the structure of the calling program, it also helps you 
writes EXECs that can operate differently in XEDIT vs. from the command line, 
but without false positives.

For example, if you go into XEDIT, then into CMS subset mode, you do not want 
the output of an issued command to go to XEDIT.  You want to see it in CMS.  
But when you return to XEDIT and issue the command again, you would like to see 
the output as an XEDIT EMSG/MSG.  And of course, if you issue the command in a 
PIPE, you definitely want the output to go to the console.

Alan Altmark

Senior Managing z/VM and Linux Consultant Lab Services System z Delivery 
Practice IBM Systems & Technology Group ibm.com/systems/services/labservices
office: 607.429.3323
mobile; 607.321.7556
IBM Endicott

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