You probably want to look at the DMSCALLR CSL routine.  You can work your
way back though the commands to find out how you were called.  (I haven't
looked to see what you find when it is called from one of these profiles.)

On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 9:50 AM, Stanislawski, Shawn (National VM
Capability) <> wrote:

> The CMS Commands and Utilities Reference Appendix "Customizing Profiles
> for CMS Productivity Aids" lists 10 profiles (plus 4 just for FILELIST)
> that can be seen with the CMS command DEFAULTS and can be overridden with
> "DEFAULTS SET xxxxxxxx PROFILE newprof" (where "xxxxxxxx" is an EXEC Fn
> from the list such as DIRLIST or RDRLIST, for FILELIST "PROFILE" might
> instead be "PROFILEn" where n=[2|3|4], and "newprof" is an XEDIT file).
> (For reference, the EXEC Fn list is: Alialist , Authlist , Csllist , Cslmap
> , Dirlist , Filelist , Maclist , Note , Peek , Rdrlist , Vmlink .)
> I would like to make these overrides more portable: one XEDIT file instead
> of multiples.
> Of course doing so means the converged file will need to be able to
> determine who he's supposed to be each time when called (unless I only use
> changes that blanket ALL included profiles, which I would rather not do).
> I have found a partial solution to do so, but I am not happy with it.
> The "solution" is:
> '| DROP 1',
> '| NFIND v',
> '| SPECS w2 1',
> (So, currently only checking the calling program for the existence of
> variables: "FILELIST", "DIRLIST", "RDRLIST", and "PEEK".  Then setting
> value of "TARPROF" to the name of the variable found, before doing a SELECT
> structure with "TARPROF".)
> Because the EXEC from the list checks for its DEFAULTS profile setting
> via: 'GLOBALV SELECT $'"USERID"() 'GET xxxxxxxx' , where "xxxxxxxx" = EXEC
> Fn from the list and sets a variable with the same EXEC Fn.
> The problem is:
> PEEK EXEC sets BOTH variable PEEK and NOTE , so I can't have both PEEK /
> PROFPEEK  and  NOTE / PROFNOTE in the same converged file using this single
> method.
> (Otherwise the "solution" works for the 4 profiles I'm currently working
> with.)
> Eventually, I may even wish to combine this file with my PROFILE XEDIT as
> well, if possible.
> Any ideas?
> Shawn Stanislawski
> HPE - VM Capability

Bruce Hayden
z/VM and Linux on z Systems ATS
IBM, Endicott, NY

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