Rex Dieter wrote:

> Carl Shapiro wrote:
>> On Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 6:11 AM, Rex Dieter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>  Unlikely, I'm using clean/minimal chroot for each build.    The failure
>>>  is occurring trying to build for fedira9 (development) that uses gcc43.
>>>   Fwiw, this same build works fine on fedora8 (using gcc41).
>> Is there an easy way I can reproduce your build environment locally?
> I would be tempted to say "on any gcc43-derived linux system", but I'm
> not convinced that gcc43 is the (sole, if at all) culprit.
> In the meantime, I'll see about whipping up a hosted fedora-9-i386 VM,
> to help debugging. (I personally only have a single f9/x86_64 box atm).
>   I will give access to any cmucl dev's wiling to help out here.

OK, got the VM up and running, offer for remote login/shell still stands. 
Any takers?  (contact me here, or privately, either ok with me).

-- Rex

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