My own experience at the office and at home suggests that, unless you need a 
daily data backup for monetary (you own a bank, lucky you) or legal (you live 
in a volatile world and get sued often) reasons, a simple weekly backup to an 
external, portable hard drive is entirely adequate for most small businesses 
and home computer setups. The frequency of the backup I generally make a 
function of how often the data is changed, the extent of the data and it's 
relative and monetary importance. 

I have become a big fan of NAS (Network-Attached Storage) boxes which quietly 
store the files and can back the data up to a USB hard drive whenever one 
decides that's a good thing to do. I'm just changing out our office's 
three-year-old 4 drive Western Digital RAID 5 box for a new 4 drive Synology 
unit. I'm also upgrading the LAN gear to gigabit speeds. All that change for 
less than 2 grand in a small architectural office with about ten work stations 
is very economical. 

We do weekly backups at a minimum and take the backup drives off site. No big 
deal. I looked into off-site net-based backup storage but we decided our way is 
more secure as we are in control of our own digital destiny. It's also 
significantly less expensive. 

The new boxes are also capable of doing a variety of useful functions such as 
site hosting and remote data access. Check out:

All this to say that Stu should be able to get up and running with only a 
moderate expenditure, and be protected against future major data loss  with a 
bit of new gear and some due diligence. If only it were as easy to replace the 
lost memorabilia and undo the emotional distress. Spilt milk etc.

I think there is a moderate financial middle road that will give Stu the 
support he needs to pursue his passion and also maintain the resource we have 
come to enjoy. I propose we give Stu and Gladys a bit of time to catch their 
breath and wait for him to tell us what will work best for all of us. This 
should not be a financial burden to anyone. 

I'm going to make my usual periodic contribution and wait for the white smoke. 

Pardon me for going on a bit. It's Friday evening and there's zip on TV. 

Cheers to all.

Rich Knowles
Indigo - C&C LF38
Halifax - Nova Scotia

On 2013-04-05, at 15:52, Frederick G Street <> wrote:

> Guys -- all this is great info.  But what exactly are we doing to financially 
> support Stu, so he can afford all this stuff?
> Contribute now -- operators are standing by...
> Fred Street -- Minneapolis
> S/V Oceanis (1979 C&C Landfall 38) -- on the hard in Bayfield, WI   :^(
> On Apr 5, 2013, at 1:48 PM, Neil Andersen <> 
> wrote:
>> FYI:
>> Some research and it appears that upon receiving a request from law 
>> enforcement for your files, they will provide the information without your 
>> consent. It doesn't specify about files that have been deleted, but they are 
>> obligated to provide any information they have about you, which would likely 
>> include deleted files. 
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