Does that mean you did not have to buy all your supporting charts from
iTunes and trade in all your std horizon VHF and other gear for Appl...
er Ramarine?  I thought that once you bought a single Raymarine product
(say a compass if they had such ... that you would have to replace
everything else you owned with Raymarine as well and connect them using
RayCloud and buy everything from RayTunes ....


From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Brent
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2013 10:00 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Defender delivery

I have purchased 3 separate  Raymarine products for my boat in the last
2 years from 3 different suppliers including Defender. Each time the
product arrived I am surprised by the very un-Apple like way they do
their packaging. The only reassurance I have that the product was last
touched by foreign factory workers is that the instructions and
supporting bits are sealed in baggies. 

s/v Wild Rover
Lake Winnipeg

Sent from my iPhone

On 2013-04-09, at 10:41 PM, "" <>

        They sent me out another unit it is exactly the same...  Except,
now everything says TackTick instead of Raymarine...  If it wasn't for
that, I'd have bet it was the same box of stuff...
        I don't what to say...  Why would they open the does
not make any sense to me...
        Is the fact that it now says TackTick mean anything...  It's
just weird...  guess I'll stick with this and see if it works...

        ---------- Original Message ----------
        From: "Hoyt, Mike" <>
        To: <>
        Subject: Re: Stus-List Defender delivery
        Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2013 09:28:30 -0300


        Do you suspect this was maybe a display unit at some point?  Are
they offering an "open box" discount like many big box retailers do?

        From: CnC-List [] On Behalf
        Sent: Saturday, April 06, 2013 7:43 PM
        Subject: Re: Stus-List Defender delivery
        So the Tack tick/raymarine instruments just showed up Thursday
night.  I opened the shipping box and pulled out the Tack Tick box and
the first thing I notice is the factory seal is broken.  I go no further
and write them the next morning and tell them about the seal.  Thay then
        "Mr. Haughey,
        Thank you for your email. There are times when our sales
department will
        need to open the boxes on some instruments to double check
something such as
        if all the parts are present. I would say go ahead and inspect
the item to
        ensure all pieces are in the box and nothing looks amiss. There
should be
        instructions in the box which will tell you what should be
included. If
        anything looks questionable, please send us a photo and we can
check on our
        end to see if that is how the unit should be or not. I do not
think what you
        received is anything used, though, we likely just had to get
into an unit
        box to check on a part.
        I really don't like this answer.  Why would they open a box the
check if all the parts are there???  I call BS!
        Anyway, I open the box this morning and there are scratches, the
lens protectors are all bubbles underneath.  They just called me as I'm
writing this...
        He is telling me that they aren't packages well from the
factory, they have never taken a return...blah blah blah...but, I'll get
another one right out to you...
        He have a much better argument if the factory seal wasn't
broken...  The stuff is all rattling around in the box!  This is how ray
marine packages a $2000 system?
        I guess Ill find out when I get the next one...
        Here a few photos.
        I <> t just all seems quite strange to
        1973 Viking 33
        Westport Point, MA

        ---------- Original Message ----------
        From: "" <>
        Subject: Re: Stus-List Defender delivery
        Date: Tue, 02 Apr 2013 06:23:33 -0400
        I got my stuff yesterday too!  I did not get a chance to open
the boxes yet but, should do that this evening.
        I had walled out of there without ordering a new hatch.  My
bowmar hatch has a broken hinge and there are no replacement parts
available.  So I ended up calling then like thursday, after the sale and
they honored the sale price on a lewmar low profile model.  
        I pulled the old hatch over the weekend and all the bolts were
suck and some snapped.  I guess that the nw hatch was definitely in
order.  I've now blown my budget for this year.
        1973 viking 33
        Westport point, ma
        T-Mobile. America's First Nationwide 4G Network


        ----- Reply message -----
        From: "Chuck S" <>
        To: "cnc-list CNC boat owners" <>,
"cc-3436" <>
        Subject: Stus-List Defender delivery
        Date: Mon, Apr 1, 2013 9:07 pm


        My bottom paint and accessories arrived today from Defender.
All good, all together.  Very cool
        1990 C&C 34R
        Atlantic City, NJ

        This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

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