As I type this I'm looking at a 12 foot mantle over my fireplace with a
collection of nut dishes, engraved glass plates, plaques, mugs, and photos
I've won over the years. Most of the stuff falls under the heading of "dust
collector". There is one engraved silver tray that has my name on it as
"Sailor of the Year" that I do value (An ex girlfriend took all the silver
plates with the boat name on them when she left me to move to Texas. Hope
her new husband is pissed off every time she uses one of them.)

There is a plaque with a half-hull of my boat on it that , that was
purchased from Noble Awards at a pretty reasonable price (I was Fleet
Captain that year, so I know.) It has value to me, as I presume it did for
the other series winners that year, because my own boat is on the plaque.
The other awards on the shelf that are "special" are silver picture frames
that contain a close up photo of the boat while racing with a group photo of
the crew superimposed in the corner.

On the boat are a gaggle of flags I've won over the years, which I never fly
at regattas. I'm afraid I'd be making a statement with the flag halyard to
which my on course performance would not live up. 

Below, on a bulkhead in the cabin, are a few "stickers" from races that the
boat has been in dating back as far as the Great Lakes in the late 70's. I'm
pretty happy that a couple of the local events have started giving out the
decals/stickers again. I think they are a great reminder of good times.

Regarding the pictures and decals, it is almost amazing what you can do
these days with a digital camera, an ink jet or laser printer, and some
special stock from Staples. These type of awards are inexpensive,
personalized, and the images can be reproduced and shared with your crew.

Rick Brass

-----Original Message-----
From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Knowles
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2013 1:05 PM
Subject: Stus-List Racing prizes

On a slightly different racing tack: Prizes

What does your club do for the weekly races, series and regattas? 

Rich Knowles
Indigo. LF38

This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

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