Another story about a dramatic douse, from the Mystic Mudheads...

Bill Bina

On 4/11/2014 4:27 PM, Ed Levert wrote:

This is not about spinnaker stops but it is about a spinnaker douse. It is an example of the forces large boats can generate.


It was my first sail/race on any C&C,  the 1st race for brand new C&C 39 Corrie, Hull # 3 just commissioned for my sister's in laws. (They swapped delivery positions so that Hull #2, Windquest, could compete in the SORC) Competent skipper and competent (with 1 exception) and sufficient crew.


Chute was set without stops on a course that was on the beam or just ahead in too much wind. After several rig/boat shaking broaches, the order was given to drop the chute. It was too dangerous for the foredeck crew to trip the shackle on the guy. The option was to let the guy run. I uncleated the guy not realizing that someone else had put a knot in the end. Stopped by the knot at the block, the chute was still violently filling and collapsing but now with the tack nowhere near the pole and the pole doing a good job of making the headstay look like a pulled bow string.


With the skipper/owner's approval, I cut the guy at the block thinking I was only losing a knot's length of line. The guy then ran through the end of the pole with enough drag that combined with the pole's stressing of the headstay, when the sail pressure was released, the original equipment pole sprung aft into the shrouds bending it 90 degrees. Thankfully no one's head was up.


And that is my Friday afternoon story. Have a good weekend all !



C&C 34 Briar Patch

New Orleans


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