Hello all,
Just returned from the trip to look at a C&C 35-2.  I only saw two things that 
concerned me (I'm no expert of course and I'd have a thorough survey),  and I'm 
writing too ask people's opinions on these two issues.
First, at the keel to hull joint, directly under the mast, there was water 
weeping through the joint onto both sides of the keel.  Also, if not mistaken, 
I believe that the forward keel bolt, which is under the mast and can't be seen 
unless the mast is removed, is in this location on a vertical plane.  Is this 
weeping at the hull/keel joint a serious concern? (i.e. is it enough not to 
waste money on a survey?) Is it likely that there is water running from the 
bilge or through the mast, past the keel bolt under the mast (hence a 
potentially comprised/rusty keel bolt under the mast?) and coming out through 
the joint?  1) the owner has had the boat shrink wrapped and on the hard for 
the last three years, and told me that winds this winter have blown the shrink 
wrap off the boat, and this spring is the first time the weeping has occurred. 
2)  The entire hull keel joint looked to me to be very good or excellent, no 
smile visible, and the bottom looked
 pretty smooth with a near perfect coat of fresh bottom paint.
Second,  the washer on the center (lowest in the bilge?) keel bolt was 
extremely rusty. The other visible keel bolts and washers looked very good. I 
don't remember if the center keel bolt itself was rusty. Also,  the gelcoat 
surface of the bottom of the keel was spider cracked pretty thoroughly, I 
thought at the time that this was superficial and cosmetic. Are the rusty keel 
bolt washer and the spider cracked surface of the bilge potential areas of 
Thank you in advance for any guidance here.
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