We had a 34 in the first Bermuda Race we did. They had a funny emergency and 
then a serious one. First one was someone pumped the hell out of the head, not 
realizing how the valves were set, and made a hose pop and spew sewage all over 
the place. This happened during the daily radio schedule too LOL. The second 
one involved the keel starting to pull loose from the boat. They took on a lot 
of water and basically had to pump their way to the finish line and go straight 
to the travel lift. After some comparison with our keel bolts, we realized the 
35 uses large steel backing plates* and the 34 used what looked like hardware 
store washers. The skipper of the 34 had backing plates cut and installed 
before he sailed home.
So, if taking a 34 offshore I would check this! It is an easy fix. The other 
issue is I have sailed the 34 quite a bit. If I already had one I would have no 
issue going offshore. If I did not - and not trying to be insulting - IMHO the 
35 has better sailing characteristics for offshore. Not bad and good, more like 
good and little better than good. YMMV and all. Also don't overlook the 
Landfall 35 for a bit slower but nice handling boat. Friends that had one 
offshore in really rough weather were happy with the boat.

* since replaced by stainless

Joe Della Barba
C&C 35 MK I

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