I would second that. You do a really good job, Stu, and we all appreciate it. I 
think the idea of a periodic fund drive is quite good.


If I may suggest something, I would say that another good idea would be to find 
someone who could step up, when Stu is no longer able to continue. From a 
simple IT perspective a backup plan would certainly help.



C&C-less, but still finding a lot of good information here


From: CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com] On Behalf Of Josh Muckley 
via CnC-List
Sent: November-02-15 13:45
To: C&C List
Cc: Josh Muckley
Subject: Re: Stus-List The platform question


Many thanks Stu!  

I have made donations and intend to in the future.  That being said, Have you 
considered having a periodic fund drive?  Maybe keep a "thermometer" as a small 
measure of available funds or funds needed right on the web page?

Please solicit help or funds when needed.

Warmest regards, 

Josh Muckley
S/V Sea Hawk
1989 C&C 37+
Solomons, MD

On Nov 2, 2015 1:37 PM, "Stu via CnC-List" <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:

Just a bit of history on our list and what the future holds.


Back in the mid 90’s, when most of us had dial-up internet connections, we had 
a mailing list hosted by Sailnet.  They went through some financial 
difficulties, and decided to charge a $20 yearly fee to participate.  That 
upset a lot of people, not only C&Cers, but other groups.  Everybody dropped 
off the list.  Some people decided to start Forums and social networking sites 
on Yahoo and other places.  Nothing worked like our old list.


People were losing contact with each other and we needed a new venue.  I 
decided to find an ISP that would host a mailing list program and not limit us 
to a certain number of emails per hour.  Believe me they are hard to find and 
prices were outrageous.  Finally I found our current host and we have been with 
them for over 10 years.


Then someone came along with a suggestion for a Forum similar to Sailing 
Arnachy and even Sailnet.  I did not like what I saw but I installed a Forum on 
the Photo Album.  Response was slow to nil.  Everyone posted on this list and 
very few people went to the Forum.  Finally I took it down – no sense wasting 
disc space and bandwidth.


During the past few years, I have had many, many compliments regarding the 
email list.  Several comments included the politeness of the subscribers; no 
politics, sex, religion, bashing or flaming.  A few people had left the C&C 
family but continue to be subscribers and offer their valuable info.  The list 
has people who do not own a C&C and contribute when and where they can.


So, the subject of having a Forum is a done deal.  It is of no use to the 
present subscribers.  Each week there are new subscribers and very few people 
who unsubscribe.  Right now, we have over 700 subscribers and I have no 
intention of disappointing them.


I pay for the list out of my own pocket and from contributions from our 
members.  There is no company supporting the list.  The only time that this 
list will shut down, is when the funds dry up or I go for my last sail to the 
heavens above.  The cost has gone up considerably since the start and as the 
archives grow, I get dinged for extra disc space plus the monthly charge for 
the hosting.


For people who have difficulty searching the archives, go to the main page of 
the Photo Album, scroll down near the bottom and there is a box called “Search 
the Email Discussion List Archives”, enter your search word(s) and press GO.  
The search is actually a Google Search of all the archives and you will get 
many pages of results.  It is not like looking at the list archives which I 
will admit are difficult to navigate.


Hope this email will help everyone understand the Email Discussion List a 
little bit more and appreciate it even more.


Stu – and just another short note – I do not own a C&C and have not been on one 
in over 5 years but the friendship from this list keeps me going.


Email address:
To change your list preferences, including unsubscribing -- go to the bottom of 
page at:


Email address:
To change your list preferences, including unsubscribing -- go to the bottom of 
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