For the record:

Without making direct reference any recent discussion on list that may
have resulted in threats of  litigation, I would like to offer that I
believe that any discussion here is understood to be among adults who are
fully aware that disputes may arise and opinions may differ.   I do not
believe that one party communicating a negative commercial experience with
another in a forum such as this can be reasonably considered damaging or
would materially cause others to form a firm impression of either party.
We're all grownups and we know opinions differ, and that there are many
sides to every story.  I view such discussions as instructive and useful to
all, who may wish to learn from the experience of others.
The members here are not anonymous and communicate responsibly.
I have not seen any example where inappropriate or damaging information has
been distributed via this list, and in my opinion the list is moderated
in a highly responsible manner.

Thanks for the good work Stu.

Dave Syer
ON Canada.

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make a contribution to offset our costs, please go to:

All Contributions are greatly appreciated!

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