By now, a lot of people have gone back to the archives and read the posts by Mr. Drew. It is his side of the story as he believes it happened.

The Brokerage is not a member of the list but have been made aware of the posts (not by me). They have taken their own actions against Mr. Drew and are probably not at liberty to discuss the matter on this list or any social networking site.

Some of our members have offered suggestions on purchasing a boat and many of them are good. But to suggest how to resolve the problems in litigation is not our place. That's what lawyers are for.

Knocking or slamming a particular firm is fine until there is court actions involved. Then it should not be posted here unless you are willing to post both sides of the story. I doubt that will happen.

At the same time, promoting a company because of the service they provided is 100% acceptable. It would be nice if you sent them a note too.

So, at this time the judge (me) has ordered a 'publication ban' on this matter.

We will just have to sit back and see what happens.



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