My setup is similar to yours - 3:1 purchase plus the self - tailing winch.
The more purchase you have with a triple block means it will take longer
for the boom to go in and out when you change direction.  Also, in light
air, you may have too much friction for the boom to go out by itself when
going downwind, and your crew willhave to push the boom out.  My boat came
with a setup similar to  Josh's, and I switched over to the present

Alan Bergen
35 Mk III Thirsty
Rose City YC
Portland, OR

On Fri, Dec 1, 2017 at 5:44 AM, steve dewar via CnC-List <> wrote:

> Presently, my mainsheet is a double block on cabin traveller, thru two
> blocks to the mast, down to another block, thru a stopper and finally to a
> self tailer winch. Being used to handling a main on 16 cat , I am used to a
> main sheet that is more responsive! I am thinking of changing up to a
> triple block with cam cleat on the cabin traveller. Does anyone see issues
> with this? Or is this a case of small boat thinking on a big boat set up?
> Thanks Steve
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