Ditto on using a now unused soft vang as a preventer on my 38, and attaching 
the lower end (with the cam cleat) to the toe rail forward. The upper end is 
attached to the bail for the mainsheet, which is about 2/3 back on the boom.


When I gybe, I ease the preventer as I pull the boom to center at the start of 
the gybe. After the gybe, when the mainsheet is adjusted, the lower end of the 
preventer gets moved to the other toe rail. That way it can’t become a weapon 
during the gybe.


Rick Brass

Washington, NC




From: Matthew [mailto:wolf...@erie.net] 
Sent: Saturday, October 31, 2020 10:40 AM
To: 'Stus-List' <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
Subject: Stus-List Re: Preventer boom placement




                Although Josh and Andy do it “right,” unless you’re sailing in 
relatively heavy air (25 knots and up) I suspect it is unlikely you will break 
the boom using the existing mainsheet boom bail.  Obviously, the further out 
the better.  We use a boom vang kit as a preventer (I believe it is Schaefer -- 
http://riggingonly.com/TACKLEVANG04.htm ).  The kit is stored down below when 
not in use.  If we anticipate using it, we store it on deck near the mast.  To 
use it, we attach one end to the aft boom bail and the other end (with the cam) 
to the toe rail forward of the boom, then snug it up.  It would undoubtedly be 
better (safer) to secure it to the end of boom.  To gybe, we remove the 
preventer entirely, bring the main all the way in, gybe the main, let it back 
out, and secure the preventer on the other side.  We do not leave the preventer 
on the boom through the gybe, as it could be a lethal weapon.


I believe this method is fairly typical around here (Erie).  Perhaps Bill 
Coleman will weigh in.



                C&C 42 Custom 


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