> I am in the process of ordering new spreaders and the supplier asked to
> send the old bases so the holes can be properly aligned.
> The spreader bases are attached by screws.  I have soaked with penetrating
> oil this evening and will soak over night.  I will bring a torch over
> tomorrow.   Any other suggestions would be appreciated.  I would prefer not
> to have to drill them out.
Thinking outside of the box --

Might it be possible to mock up a pattern around the bases, with fiberglass
or thinish aluminum, drill it and send it to the supplier -- even cut off
the inner-ends of the old spreaders -- so he can use that to measure for
the holes in the new rather than deal with removing such well-attached

Just a thought,

Jim Hesketh
C&C 26 Whisper
Miami, FL
Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the 
costs involved.  If you want to show your support to the list - use PayPal to 
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