

                With all due respect, my boat’s PHRF rating was established in 
a mix of conditions, including triangle course racing and long distance racing, 
both of which typically involve some reaching.  As such, fairness requires 
racing in a mix of conditions.  Running only W/L courses in round-the-buoy 
races works to my disadvantage in several material respects: 1) it adds 
unaccounted-for mileage, which benefits lower rated boats (all the boats I race 
against); 2) newer, lighter, post-IOR boats are significantly faster upwind 
(and can point higher); 3) these boats, most of which are main driven, tack a 
lot more efficiently; and 4) my boat tends to hold its own on reaches, which 
are eliminated.  These disadvantages are exacerbated in “white sailed” racing.  
In short, W/L racing reveals how out-designed my boat really is.


PHRF was created so people like me could keep our boats and have some fun 
racing.  W/L courses undermine this concept.



                C&C 42 Custom  


From: Ronald B. Frerker via CnC-List <> 
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2021 12:55 PM
To: Stus-List <>
Cc: Ronald B. Frerker <>
Subject: Stus-List Re: C&C 33-II vs 35-II now race course design


The problem is with the handicap numbers.  A triangle course has only  33% 
beat, if equilateral.  The more you spread out the offset mark, the less 
percentage the beat; the more you pull it in, the higher percentage beat.

For PHRF to work, I believe they recommend at least a 40% beat.  Preferred is a 
50% beat like a windward/leeward or a triangle with an extra beat.

On a dead downwind course one should sail their best angle for the wind speed, 
not go dead downwind.  That's true even for the white sail fleet.  There was a 
great article decades ago about the pole adjusted forward to improve the broad 
reach for white sailed boats.  But with my filing system, I'll never be able to 
produce it if asked.


Wild Cheri

C&C 30-1




On Friday, September 10, 2021, 11:31:22 AM CDT, Della Barba, Joe via CnC-List 
< <> > wrote: 



This is an ongoing issue with racing, everything is W/L dinghy racing no matter 
if your boat is 10 feet long or 110 feet long. Back in the day when men were 
men and sheep were scared we used government marks and you got what you got, 
reaches, beats, runs, whatever.

When I used to RC C&C races I decided dead downwind on a hot day was misery for 
the white sail fleet, so the spinnaker boats went on a W/L course and the 
non-spin fleet used the same windward mark but had an offset somewhere, say 
beam reach to the offset and then broad reach to finish. Less tactics but less 
heatstroke too!


Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the 
costs involved.  If you want to show your support to the list - use PayPal to 
send contribution --  Thanks - Stu

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