Thanks for all the thoughts and stories.  The engine has run fine now for many 
hours since that incident, so I am going to ignore it for now.  You can’t fix a 
problem that happens once and doesn’t repeat.  To answer some questions: M4-30 
diesel, new Racor unit and filters, some new fuel lines.  I have a pressure 
gauge on top of the Racor, so I know if filters are clogged and they are not.  
Like Chuck, I have an electric fuel pump which eliminates a bunch of possible 
causes.  If the problem recurs, I will deal with it, but motoring most of the 
way to Block Island and back with no trouble easies my mind.  However, I have 
to say, I will never be fully comfortable or trusting of engines in general.  
Whenever I have a long motoring to do, I am never happy or confident in my 
engine.  I guess that’s why I have a sailboat and sail it most of the time.  

S/V Aries
1990 C&C 34+
New London, CT

> On Jun 11, 2023, at 12:24 PM, Bill Coleman via CnC-List 
> <> wrote:
> Let's just be thankful we're not flying airplanes!
> Bill Coleman
> On Sun, Jun 11, 2023, 09:42 Korbey Hunt via CnC-List < 
> <>> wrote:
> I have a 1980 34 C&C located in Ketchikan, AK.  I only use it in the summer.  
> It has a new Yanmar 30 hp engine with 300 hrs.  Last year when returning from 
> a long cruise at good speed and running well for many hours the engine 
> suddenly slowed and died.  We were in a channel and began drifting towards 
> the beach.  After a few minutes I restarted the motor and it ran fine.  I 
> suspect a fuel problem but never found the cause.  I changed the engine 
> filter but it did not look dirty.
> Get Outlook for Android <>
> From: Martin DeYoung via CnC-List < 
> <>>
> Sent: Saturday, June 10, 2023 10:24:48 PM
> To: Stus-List < <>>
> Cc: Martin DeYoung < 
> <>>
> Subject: Stus-List Re: Engine strangeness
> Transitory engine issues can create drama quickly.  Back in 1992 we had just 
> taken possession of a 1981 C&C 36 and departed Seattle's Lake Union heading 
> out to our saltwater moorage at Shilshole Bay Marina. This trip takes us west 
> through the Lake Washington Ship Canal, under the Fremont and Ballard Bridges 
> (needed to open them), and through the Ballard locks. The Ship Canal is 
> narrow enough that it is rare to sail through it. It was also calm that day.  
> The engine ran just fine through the transit to and into the locks (approx. 
> first hour of ownership). It is common to shut down the engine while locking 
> through as it can take enough time to expose a few people to the exhaust 
> fumes.
> So, the lock gates open, the C&C 36's Yanmar 3-cylinder diesel fires up and 
> aided by the outgoing current we departed the lock. Now it worth noting there 
> is an opening single leafed Bascule train bridge with a clearance of +-48' at 
> that moment's tide height a short distance west of the lock. Our 36's air 
> draft was a little over 50'.
> Given how the gods watching over errant sailors enjoy a good laugh from time 
> to time the engine chooses that moment to shut down. It shut down in that way 
> that indicates a restart is unlikely. The train bridge is also down. The 
> current coming out of the locks is relentlessly pushing us towards the closed 
> bridge. I am suddenly very concerned for the top few feet of the mast.
> I immediately sounded the signal asking for an opening. I asked the boat's 
> new co-owner to make ready to anchor.  I hit the starter to see if the engine 
> would restart. It sputtered and died again.  I sounded for an opening again. 
> Nothing promising was happening up on the bow in way of an anchor being 
> deployed. I attempted another restart this time with the reduction gear in 
> reverse to make use of any rotation of the prop.  I get maybe 15 to 20 
> seconds of run time which slowed our progress slightly. The bridge operator 
> made the horn signal indicating he was able to open the bridge, no trains 
> were in route.  I headed for the side of the bridge that opens first and hit 
> the starter again hoping for another few seconds of reverse.
> Fortunately, the bridge opened just enough and our path close to the opening 
> end of the bridge equaled just enough clearance the mast remained intact, and 
> we avoided an embarrassing episode where we would have needed to "strike the 
> burgee", obscure the boat's name, and wear bags over our heads to avoid being 
> identified.
> The cause of all this entertainment was debris in the fuel tank blocking the 
> fuel pick-up.  We hired a fuel tank cleaner/polisher who cut a inspection 
> port removed the debris, cleaned the tank, polished the fuel and voila, no 
> more fuel pick up issues.
> Fast forward to 1999 and I am motoring our recently acquired C&C 43 along the 
> same route.  When the truck from Chicago arrived, we had her unloaded at a 
> Lake Union boat yard.  After 3 months of repair and upgrade work the boat was 
> ready to leave but the mast was still in the paint shed so we motored off 
> without a mast.  Didn't need to open any bridges and was relaxed about 
> restarting in the locks and heading west. (The anchoring gear was ready to go 
> this time.)  When we got to our Shilshole Bay Marina slip I contacted the 
> fuel cleaning guy and had the tank thoroughly cleaned and the fuel polished 
> to be ready for my next trip with the mast up and its 70' air draft.
> Martin DeYoung
> Calypso
> 1971 C&C 43
> Port Ludlow/Seattle
> Greta
> 1956 Matthews 42
> Port Ludlow
> From: David Knecht via CnC-List < 
> <>>
> Sent: Saturday, June 10, 2023 12:47 PM
> To: Stus-List < <>>
> Cc: <> 
> < <>>
> Subject: Stus-List Re: Engine strangeness
> So the problem has not recurred in several hours of motoring over a few days 
> so i am going to write it off as launch day blues. No water in separator. 
> Fuel pressure gauge normal.  I cant see that i can do anything about it 
> unless it keeps happening. Thanks for the ideas. Dave
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jun 9, 2023, at 11:41 AM, Dreuge via CnC-List < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> I once had a similar engine issue.  It would run fine one day (or half) and 
>> constant stall upon or shortly after restarts.  It turned out that my Racor 
>> was not full tightened.  Easy fix once found.
>> -
>> Paul E.
>> 1981 C&C Landfall 38 
>> S/V Johanna Rose
>> Fort Walton Beach, FL
>> <>
>>> On Jun 9, 2023, at 11:27 AM, ALAN BERGEN via CnC-List 
>>> < <>> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Jun 9, 2023 at 7:22 AM David Knecht via CnC-List 
>>> < <>> wrote:
>>> I am out for the first time this season. Engine started right up. Motored 
>>> out of harbor for two hours. Turned engine off for a while waiting for 
>>> wind. Started back up. Ran for 15-30 sec and died. Started up and ran for a 
>>> bit longer then died. Pulled bed to get access and fuel pressure and level 
>>> in racor look fine. Started up and ran fine for 40 min. WTF?  Dave
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>> Thanks for your help.
>> Stu
> Please show your appreciation for this list and the Photo Album site and help 
> me pay the associated bills.  Make a contribution at:
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> Thanks for your help.
> Stu
> Please show your appreciation for this list and the Photo Album site and help 
> me pay the associated bills.  Make a contribution at:
> Thanks for your help.
> Stu

Please show your appreciation for this list and the Photo Album site and help 
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