-----Original Message-----
From: cobbler-boun...@lists.fedorahosted.org 
[mailto:cobbler-boun...@lists.fedorahosted.org] On Behalf Of David Lee
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2011 12:53 PM
To: cobbler mailing list
Subject: Re: redhat "rescue mode"?

Jörgen Maas wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 6:23 PM, Mann, Owen 
> <owen.m...@interactivedata.com> wrote:
>> My 2cents: I never had a problem with switching profiles. But I thought - 
>> and correct me if I'm wrong - rescue-mode for RHEL is just a matter of 
>> adding "rescue" to the " Kernel Options " field.
> You are right.

If that is right, then it is only partially right.  It is sometimes (including 
our site) not right.

Our cobbler set-up (2.0.11) has a couple of distros and a couple of profiles.  
In normal operation we explicitly add each and every system, and the network 
install goes straight through, without prompting for anything anywhere.  That's 
good for normal re-install operations.  But not for rescue!

Putting "rescue" in the "Kernel Options" field doesn't seem to have any effect 
at all: it re-installs.  Ouch!  I've even tried (as a test) going to 
"/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/" and editing the file corresponding to the MAC 
address, changing "prompt 0" to "prompt 1", replacing most of "append 
initrd=..." so it only has the "initrd" clause and a "rescue". 
No... it still boots straight through (i.e. installs) and doesn't go to rescue 
and doesn't give any prompts.

I see that the "kickstarts" directory contains a "pxerescue.ks".  That looks 
promising.  But if it is part of the answer, what are the missing parts of the 
answer?  And where is the documentation that fully describes the complete 

Could those voting against the proposed "--rescue-mode=true" provide a working, 
and tested, recipe of the steps to achieve this, please?

Please, please, can we think "beginner"; think "simple"; think "documentation".


: David Lee
: ECMWF (Data Handling System)
: Shinfield Park
: Reading  RG2 9AX
: Berkshire
: tel:    +44-118-9499 362
: email:  david....@ecmwf.int
cobbler mailing list

Hmm, this has always worked for me, in Cobbler 1.6.6 and 2.2.1.
Rescue mode is described here:

Question: Are you using the Python tftp server, or the traditional one? Can you 
verify (via /proc/cmdline) that the kernel _is_ getting the "rescue" option?
I'm not against your recommendation; but this method is both simple and 

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