On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 9:20 AM, Dan White <y...@comcast.net> wrote:
> I just updated from 2.0.11-2.el5 to 2.2.2-1.el5
> Things burped momentarily while I swapped out mod_python and repaired the 
> effected config files, but that took no time at all.
> I brought up the new Web-UI and one of the first things to catch my eye was 
> the Resources heading with Packages and Files under it.
> Looking for details, I found some on the "Start Here" Wiki Page:
> https://github.com/cobbler/cobbler/wiki/Start%20Here
> ...under a sub-heading of "Management Classes and Resources"
> It describes how to add a package or file resource.
Which happens on the two pages Packages and Files.

> It implies that these resources can be grouped into a management class.
Which happens under the Resouces expansion when editing a management class

> It then references another wiki page: 
> https://github.com/cobbler/cobbler/wiki/Built%20in%20configuration%20management
So I believe that is most specifically if you intent is to use Cobbler
as the CMS.  If you are just using cobbler as an external node for
puppet (or whichever CM you are working with) then this page is not

> This page talks about "Template files" and "Leveraging Mod Python" (how do I 
> leverage that which I just removed?)
> It contains nothing about file/package resources.
So the Leveraging Mod Python definitely needs to be updated.  I'm not
sure how this is handled with wsgi.  The template files is referring
to the same files in Resources (I believe).  You have to place your
template file on the file system and configure it in the Resources ->
Files section.

> Google-ing about produced a moderate amount of very confusing results, none 
> that help.
> Where, please, do I find details on these resource types and how to use them ?

The documentation is very much a how you use it, not here is how you
do X, Y, or Z with it.  With that in mind, what are you trying to

Any help you'd like to give in making the documentation more
accessible is also greatly appreciated.

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