On Thu, 28 Jul 2016, SF Markus Elfring wrote:

> >>>> Cannot resolve PyUnicodeUCS2_AsEncodedString.
> I can circumvent this error message also by changing
> the scripting language.
> @lengths@
> statement list [if_count] isl;
> statement list [else_count] esl;
> @@
>  if (...)
>     { isl }
>  else
>     { esl }
> @script:ocaml display@
> if_n << lengths.if_count;
> else_n << lengths.else_count;
> @@
> Printf.printf "%u|%u\n" if_n else_n
> >> Should I try any other data type conversion out for my small
> >> SmPL script example?
> >
> > Please try pulling from github again and restart with make distclean.
> In which development branch did you publish any further commits
> for me to try out?

As far as I can see, the only branch available on github is master.

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