On Fri, 16 Jun 2017, SF Markus Elfring wrote:

> >> I am curious on how a dependency for a software interface like 
> >> “Visitor_ast0_types”
> >> should be expressed for so many source files in a consistent way.
> >
> > What problem are you trying to solve?
> I would like to achieve something more for the topics which were also 
> registered
> in the issue tracker.
> > Why do the dependency specifications need improving?
> Examples:
> elfring@Sonne:~/Projekte/Coccinelle/20160205/parsing_cocci> LANG=C make V=1
> /usr/bin/ocamldep *.mli *.ml > .depend
> /usr/bin/ocamlc.opt …
> File "_none_", line 1:
> Error: Cannot find file flag_parsing_cocci.cmo
> make: *** [Makefile:67: cocci_parser.cma] Error 2
> elfring@Sonne:~/Projekte/Coccinelle/20160205/parsing_c> LANG=C make V=1
> /usr/bin/ocamlc.opt …
> File "includes.mli", line 38, characters 46-60:
> Error: Unbound module Ast_c
> make: *** [/home/elfring/Projekte/Coccinelle/20160205/common_rules.make:6: 
> includes.cmi] Error 2
> These messages indicate reasons why I am also fiddling with the build scripts
> for this software again.

These command lines contain ... so I can't see what is being done.  But I
have never seen such a message, and no one else has ever reported such a

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