Chris Page wrote:

Importing messages from Mail via AppleScript may not be fast enough
— my highly scientific estimate* is "a couple of messages" a second.
Importing someone's entire mail archive would take a long time.

I just did a test and it's quite fast if you ask for all the messages
at once:
I'm seeing average times of one to two milliseconds per message (e.g.,
7 seconds for a mailbox with 4,660 messages) on a 2.5GHz Quad G5.

Don't forget to process the standard mailboxes as well - for some reason they're presented as properties rather than elements of Mail's 'application' object, so you have to deal with them separately.

Also, one caveat with getting entire messages: if you've got any with large attachments, that will slow things down, e.g. OMM [1]:

Importing 9 messages from Drafts
        Total: 0.4956 Average: 0.0551
Importing 184 messages from Inbox
        Total: 2.6736 Average: 0.0145
No messages found in Outbox
Importing 1609 messages from Sent
        Total: 59.5408 Average: 0.0370 <-- some attachments in my Sent mailbox
Importing 122 messages from appscript
        Total: 0.3417 Average: 0.0028
Importing 66 messages from personal
        Total: 0.6233 Average: 0.0094
Importing 1139 messages from read
        Total: 8.2016 Average: 0.0072
Importing 73 messages from ruby
        Total: 0.8477 Average: 0.0116
Importing 237 messages from work
Total: 67.6088 Average: 0.2853 <-- lots of attachments in my work mailbox
No messages found in ToDos
No messages found in Notes
No messages found in Outbox



[1] Timing code (using appscript, natch):


#import "MLGlue/MLGlue.h"
// To generate Mail glue: osaglue -o MLGlue -p ML Mail

void GetMessagesFromMailbox(MLReference *box, NSError **error) {
        int n;
        NSTimeInterval startTime, elapsedTime;
        n = [[[[box messages] count] sendWithError: error] intValue];
        if (*error) return;
        if (n) {
printf("Importing %i messages from %s\n", n, [[[[box name] get] send] UTF8String]);
                startTime = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
                [[[[box messages] source] get] sendWithError: error];
                if (*error) return;
                elapsedTime = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate] - 
                if (n == 0) n = 1;
                printf("\tTotal: %.4f Average: %.4f\n", elapsedTime, 
elapsedTime / n);
        } else
printf("No messages found in %s\n", [[[[box name] get] send] UTF8String]);

int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
        NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
        NSError *error;
        int i, err = 0;
MLApplication *mail = [[MLApplication alloc] initWithBundleID: @""];
        // standard mailboxes
        GetMessagesFromMailbox([mail draftsMailbox], &error);
        if (error) goto fail;
        GetMessagesFromMailbox([mail inbox], &error);
        if (error) goto fail;
        GetMessagesFromMailbox([mail outbox], &error);
        if (error) goto fail;
        GetMessagesFromMailbox([mail sentMailbox], &error);
        if (error) goto fail;
        // user-defined mailboxes
int boxCount = [[[[mail mailboxes] count] sendWithError: &error] intValue];
        if (error) goto fail;
        for (i = 0; i < boxCount; i++) {
                GetMessagesFromMailbox([[mail mailboxes] at: i], &error);
                if (error) goto fail;
        if (error) NSLog(@"An error occurred: %@", error);
        err = [error code];
        [mail release];
        [pool drain];
        return err;


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