BOOL                        result = YES;
    Boolean                        converted = false;
    unsigned                    i = 0;
    pid_t                        pid = -1;
    NSBundle                    *glBundle = [ NSBundle mainBundle ];
    NSDictionary                *d = nil;
    NSDictionary                *dd;
    NSString                    *z;
    NSString                    *zzz;
    NSMutableString                *m;
    NSArray                        *arr;
    NSURL                        *urlRef = nil;
    NSError                        *inError = nil;
    FSRef                        exeRef;
    LSApplicationParameters        inAppParams;
    ProcessSerialNumber            outPSN;
    OSStatus                    err = noErr;
    memset( &inAppParams, 0, sizeof( inAppParams ) );
    memset( &outPSN, 0, sizeof( outPSN ) );
    if( glBundle )
        // Get main bundle info dict...
        d = [ glBundle infoDictionary ]
        if( d )
            // Get the GL bundle's path from the info dict...
            z = [ d objectForKey:kNSBundleInitialPathInfoDictKey ];
            if( z )
                // Break the path up into a path component array...
                arr = [ z componentsSeparatedByString:kSlashStringKey ];
                // Make a mutable path string to manipulate...
                m = [ NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:0 ];
    if( m & arr )
        for(i=0; i<[ arr count] - 1; i++ )
            [m appendString:[arr objectAtIndex:i] ];
            [m appendString:@"/" ];
        //go up one level to get at Info.plist
        [m appendString:@"Info.plist" ];
        dd = [ NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:m ];
        zzz = [ dd valueForKey:@"CFBundleExecutable" ];
        [ m setString:@"" ];
        //Loop again appening all path compoents to final file to launch...
        for(i=0; i<[ arr count] - 1; i++ )
            [m appendString:[arr objectAtIndex:i] ];
            [m appendString:@"/" ];
        //now get full path to the file we want to actually run...
        [ m appendString:zzz ];
        [ m appendString:@".ifn" ];
        urlRef = [ NSURL fileURLWithPath:m ];
        if( urlRef )
            CFShow( urlRef );
            converted = CFURLGetFSRef( (CFURLRef)urlRef, &exeRef );
            if( converted )
                // Setup launch param block...
                inAppParams.application = &exeRef;
                // Launch!
                err = LSOpenApplication( &inAppParams, &outPSN );
                if( !err )
                   err = GetProcessPID( &outPSN, &pid );
                    if( !err )
                        lppiProcInfo->dwProcessId = (DWORD)pid;
                        result = true;

From: Michael Ash <>
To: cocoa-dev <>
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 9:57:33 PM
Subject: Re: Why is NSString->FSRef so hard?

On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 12:51 AM, Erg Consultant
<> wrote:
> So why isn't it working? Why does LSOpenApplication give me an error?

It is impossible to answer questions of this nature if you do not post
your code.


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