On 21.07.2009, at 13:19, Graham Cox wrote:

I don't make up controllers as I go along in IB - they always pre- exist in code and I just use IB to, er, build the interface.

I'm not against of the above. I can agree with your approach, moreover, it's an approach, described in Cocoa classic books. In most of cases authors just suggest to create classes (at least their skeletons) in code and then open IB for the first time. Though it may be not so usual for a newbie to write these magic clauses like (IBAction) and IBOutlet, but it is not so fearful.

I only would like to say, that really good and stable software should at least be stable to some more or less incorrect user's actions. Is it not allowed to change class name after actions/outlets have been added? OK, just say that! Or, if it's allowed, just fix a bug. Nothing more.


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