On Sun, 17 Feb 2013 12:16:47 -0600, Ken Thomases <k...@codeweavers.com> said:
>On Feb 17, 2013, at 11:50 AM, Matt Neuburg wrote:
>> On Sat, 12 Jan 2013 11:13:13 +0000, Mike Abdullah 
>> <cocoa...@mikeabdullah.net> said:
>>> The allocations instrument can show you all presently allocated objects. 
>>> Find the object(s) you're interested in from that list and you can view its 
>>> history of being retained and (auto)released, to figure out what is still 
>>> holding onto it.
>> Actually, Instruments is no help in figuring out "what is still holding onto 
>> it". That's not entirely unreasonable, since in a very real sense *no* 
>> object is "holding onto" anything; there are only messages and the object's 
>> own internal retain count.
>Well, you can't figure out what object is holding onto another object, but you 
>can figure out which _body of code_ is holding onto an object.
>> But it sure would be nice if Instruments did give more info about this, so 
>> that one could try to track down which retains are balanced by which 
>> releases (and which retains, therefore, are unbalanced).
>Well, Instruments can no more divine which release balances which retain as it 
>can know what object might "hold" what other object.

The words "which body of code is holding onto an object" don't have any meaning 
to me, and I don't think they have any meaning to you either. You're just 
waving your hands. If I wanted to wave my hands I wouldn't be using Instruments.

Some specific object did send "retain". It is that specific object's 
responsibility eventually to send "release". That's how Cocoa memory management 
works. Instruments *can* know, and *should* tell me, what specific object that 
is. I wouldn't be here (i.e. using this aspect of Instruments) if this were not 
the very problem I'm having, i.e. some specific object is not fulfilling its 
responsibilities and I need to work out who it is. The fact that Instruments 
doesn't tell me this is not just some mild forgivable accident. It is Teh Suck. 

matt neuburg, phd = m...@tidbits.com, <http://www.apeth.net/matt/>
A fool + a tool + an autorelease pool = cool!
Programming iOS 5! http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920023562.do

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