On Jul 10, 2013, at 8:27 AM, Mike Abdullah wrote:

> On 10 Jul 2013, at 15:01, Peter Hudson <peter.hud...@me.com> wrote:
>> Now I can set an ID,  the docs suggest the format     
>> com.companyDomainName.appName   for the directory name in Application 
>> Support.
>> I notice that very few other applications use this format - they tend to use 
>> just the name of the app.
> Really? In my experience pretty much everything uses the correct format.

Nope, not even close. Here's mine for reference:

1Password                       DMG Canvas                      Logitech        
                Remote Desktop                  TurboTax
A Better Finder Rename 8        DVD Player                      MacHg           
                RipIt                           TurboTax 2012
Acorn                           Dash                            MacSQL          
                Roxio                           Ubiquity
AddressBook                     Dashcode                        Mactracker      
                SEIntelligence                  Unison 2
Adobe                           Developer                       Microsoft       
                SMART Utility                   VMware Fusion
Aladdin                         Dock                            MindVision 
Downloads            SMARTReporter                   Versions
Aperture                        DragThing                       MobileSync      
                SMARTReporter.log               XRay Plugins
AppStore                        File Buddy                      Mozilla         
                SQLEditor                       Xcode
Apple                           FileXaminer                     Multiplex       
                SQLGrinder                      Yahoo! Sync
Application Loader              Firefox                         Net Monitor     
                Sandvox                         com.apple.QuickLook
AquaMinds                       FullCircle                      NetNewsWire     
                Screen Sharing                  com.apple.TCC
Audio Recorder 3.0 Scripts      GarageBand                      NiXPS           
                Seasonality                     com.elevated-dev.teamfile
Automator                       Gitbox                          NoteBook        
                Shark                           com.intuit.TurboTax.2012
Azureus                         Google                          
NotificationCenter              ShoveBox                        
BBEdit                          Google Earth                    Omni Group      
                Skype                           com.nanotalons.iconfinder.plist
BBEdit Backups                  Google SketchUp 6               OmniOutliner 3  
                Soulver                         com.sribe.pedcard
Backup                          Google Video Player             OmniWeb 5       
                SourceTree                      eSellerate
BeLight Software                GraphicConverter                OsiriX          
                SpamSieve                       eSuite4X
BitTorrent                      Growl                           PCalc           
                Spell Catcher                   iCal
CSSEdit                         IOXperts                        PDFpen          
                SubRosaSoft                     iLifeMediaBrowser
ChronoSync                      ITunesSoftwareService           PDFpenPro       
                SuperDuper!                     iLifePageLayout
Clarify                         Instruments                     PDFshrink 2     
                SyncServices                    iPhone Simulator
CocoaPacketAnalyzer             Interarchy                      PGnJ            
                Terminal                        iSQL-Viewer
Console                         Interface Builder 3.0           PlistEdit Pro   
                Tinderbox                       iWeb
Core Image Fun House            Kodak EasyShare                 Preview         
                TinkerTool                      iWork
Cornerstone                     L8457789100                     Project Builder 
                TorusKnotSoftware               ilexsoft
CrashReporter                   LaunchCodes                     Quartz Composer 
DEVONthink                      Little Snitch                   RapidWeaver     

Scott Ribe
(303) 722-0567 voice


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